
Let iphone battery durable five program settings

Iphone battery life has been much criticism, the use of frequent people, often one day charge three or four times. So how to get rid of this dilemma? In fact, we can set up through some procedures, you can make iphone battery life in a hurry to greatly improve. The following introduction will tell you how to do it?

Level set one, turn off the APP push message. Apple mobile phone download APP after the first time to open the user is prompted to allow you to send a notice, then you have to choose not allowed. Some APP push message every few minutes there will be one, these messages both fee and fee, go quickly to turn off it.

Program set up two, close the background application refresh. Even if you are not using this APP, but the background application refresh will make the application in the background is still running, and use your traffic and power. Of course, this will not affect the timely push of communication software, the proposed or early closure.

Program set up three, turn off the unnecessary positioning services. In fact, in addition to the need to know the nearby routes, traffic conditions and nearby facilities, many times, we are not on the positioning system. In particular, there are many APP is not the right to have permission, turn off the APP's positioning authority, not only did not affect, but also increase the battery life, why not shut it?

Program set four, turn off Siri. Siri's use is not large, in addition to boring when molested it, and no substantive effect. Siri also need to use the flow, so for this type of application, turn it off to a certain extent, play a role in saving power.

Program set five, reduce the screen brightness. Mobile phone parts in the screen is the most power, the phone's brightness down, both eye can also be made battery life. While the phone can automatically lock the screen time is shortened, you can also play a role in improving the duration of life.

Of course, if your iphone battery damage caused by short battery life, the best way is to replace the new battery.

This article is provided by pei, he is a mobile phone technology concern, he had just searched the Internet iphone 6battery replacement the word several times, for his cell phone to buy a high quality, low cost iphone 6 replacement battery

