
IPhone6 ​​battery charge does not go how to do

If the user's iphone 6 battery charge does not go in, do not panic, you can from the following four aspects to troubleshoot.

IPhone6 ​​battery charge does not go how to do

1, charging socket has foreign body blockage

Because we are usually used to hatch the phone pocket in the pocket, located in the bottom of the phone charging interface easily into the gray, and then cause the interface and the power cord plug bad. So when you encounter the phone can not charge, please check the bottom of the phone at the interface of foreign matter is blocked.

2, charger or data line problems

If the phone power interface is no problem, then we can use the replacement method, the usual use of the charger and power cord replacement. At this time there is a computer, you can put the Apple mobile phone access to the computer's USB port to see if it can be a normal charge. If you can charge, then that is a problem with the charger.

If we connect the phone with the PC, can not charge, then you can borrow someone else's Apple phone power cord, see after the line can not be resolved. If the line can solve the problem, it shows that the line is a problem, the speed for the power line bar.

3, system or temperature problems

If the above method is not the case, then we can also try to shut down and then boot. Sometimes may be the cause of the system, resulting in the phone can not charge. There is also the temperature problem, due to the physical characteristics of the battery, it is particularly sensitive to the temperature, too high will be a problem, too low will lead to no charge. Of course, this situation is limited to where the winter temperature at the end of the special place. If this is caused by this problem can not be charged, please put the phone into the bed or air conditioning room, so that the phone is at a normal temperature, and then charge it.

4, charging socket or battery is broken

If all of the above methods can not solve your problem, then you need to recall, whether the phone has water or fell to the situation. Because the water or fall will likely lead to damage to the internal parts of the phone, which can not charge. Of course, there may be other circumstances, anyway, this time the phone may have a hardware failure (charge jack or battery), you can go to Apple's sales center to replace the charging socket or replacement iphone 6 battery.

