
Cell phone battery charging easy to commit five errors, you know?

Cell phone battery life is limited, and the user in their daily lives, some of the charging errors are often further damage the phone battery life. Therefore, the timely correction of these cell phone battery charging errors, is undoubtedly very necessary. Then the following we come to understand the specific cell phone battery charging easy to commit the error which?

Cell phone battery

Cell phone battery charging easy to commit five errors, you know?
The first misunderstanding: the use of non-original charger will damage the phone battery

Non-original charger is also an annual sales volume is also great, from the use of functional point of view, although not the best, but it will not damage the phone equipment. But the premise is that the charger current parameters, if the current exceeds, and back to damage the phone equipment. In addition, to avoid the use of counterfeit cottage version of the charger, there have been before the Apple phone using cottage charger, which led to burned equipment.

Second: the phone can not play when charging

If you often pay attention to social news, will often see a place to play with a cell phone in the charge caused by the explosion. Of course, the reason here may not be charged when playing mobile phone, but because of various accidents, such as the use of a cottage version of the charger, or near the water flow into the phone and so on. But it is recommended that you try not to play when charging mobile phone.

Third: Overcharge will damage the battery

Now a lot of people will sleep before the phone plug in the power, a charge that night. Many people will worry that there will be no problem, in fact, when the battery is full, the phone will start the battery overcharge protection mechanism to automatically stop charging. However, in order to protect the phone life, it is recommended not to charge the phone all night in the state.

Fourth, mobile phones do not shut down

Everything has a life, and a long period of sustained and efficient operation more or less there will be problems. In addition, according to experts in order to be able to achieve maximum battery life, turn off at least once a week. Of course, if you can sleep before the best off as well. But obviously not likely, because no one knows if someone is looking for you in a hurry.

Fifth: rechargeable mobile phone battery run out of cell phone

Currently on the market of mobile phone batteries are lithium batteries, the first function of the machine is a nickel battery, although the lithium battery does not have the memory effect, there is a drawback is that if each time to use a little power are not recharged, it will lithium Batteries cause damage. So the proposed mobile phone battery power less than 10% -20% of the time can charge up.

Well, these are the user to charge the phone battery is easy to make mistakes. Then for the user, it is necessary to correct the job!

