
Iphone charging easy to commit the four errors, to promptly correct

Iphone more and more powerful performance, but the iphone battery life has been no change. Therefore, for many iphone users, I believe that their cell phone is basically a day charge, or even three-day charge. However, to the iphone charging, the user is often prone to make some mistakes, thus affecting the life of the iphone battery. Then the following list of several people in the charge often committed mistakes, quickly learn these up, so that the battery life of the iPhone can be a long long time!
iphone battery

Iphone charging easy to commit the four errors, to promptly correct

1, iphone full charge on the unplug the charger now!

Due to fear of iPhone power, so let the iPhone all the time in charge? Do not do this! Because when the iPhone battery has been charged to 100%, iPhone will automatically start the "trickle charge" is to use a smaller current to charge the meaning of this will keep the battery in the high-voltage state, over time will consume lithium battery life .

When the iPhone fully charged, the charger should be pulled out; a bit like in the high-pressure exercise after the concept of muscle relaxation; people who continue for hours of high-pressure exercise, the ultimate flexibility will be tired, the battery is the same reason .

2, do not charge to 100%

In fact, the iPhone does not need to charge the lithium battery rushed to the full, but it will make high-pressure battery damage, and wear and tear the battery life. How about that? In fact, as long as the need to charge just fine, do not need to fully charge to 100%. In addition, try not to use the iPhone completely recharged, because now the iPhone equipped with lithium-ion battery, has no old nickel-cadmium (NiCd) battery memory effect, if placed in full power charge, The chemical activity inside the ion battery

3, to charge when charging!

In fact, the best practice is to iPhone in the day after another to charge, rather than almost no electricity when used once again full charge. IPhone battery charge for each reduction of 10% on a charge of electricity is the best. However, this way for most people may not be very convenient, after all, no one staring at the iPhone all the time, around will not have a socket can be charged at any time.

So the best way is, in the day, to help recharge the iPhone when the charge about, to a certain extent after the charge to unplug, so the iPhone battery is the best way.

4, do not let iPhone high fever!

If excessive use of iPhone is often caused by hot, it must be careful! Because the high temperature for a significant impact on battery life; if found in the iPhone charging hot, you should quickly remove the charger, and pause and turn off the screen; if you are using the iPhone, you can choose to open low power mode , Will help iPhone cooling. In addition, please do not place the iPhone in direct sunlight, it is likely to cause overheating of lithium batteries, and even the possibility of fire.

The above is to teach you how to conserve the iphone battery, allowing it to use longer. Therefore, for users, may wish to learn a school, I believe it is still very practical.

